Postgraduate student in 2002-05, Ph.D.

Scientific supervisor: Prof. Yurij Holovatch

Recent Publications


9. D.Ivaneyko, Monte Carlo studies of critical behaviour of diluted magnets. Scientific session of the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics .Phase transitions, Cryticality, Scaling: from magnets to complex systems" 50-th anniversary of Porffesor, Dr. sci Yutij Holovach (in Ukrainian), Lviv, June 18, 2007

8. Д. Іванейко, Критична динаміка 3d моделі Ізинга з випадковими немагнітними вузлами. // VII Всеукраїнська школа-семінар і конкурс молодих вчених зі статистичної фiзики і теорії конденсованої речовини . 2007 Львів, 31 травня . 1 червня 2007 р. Інститут фізики конденсовани систем НАН України; за пiдтримки Відділення фізики і астрономії НАН України, Секція фізики ЗНЦ НАН і МОН України: Збірка тез.. С. 24-25.

7. D.Ivaneyko, J.Ilnytskyi, B.Berche, Yu.Holovatch, "On the universality class of 3D magnets with long-range-correlated disorder". 2nd International Conference: "Quantum Electrodynamics and Statistical Physics". September 19-23, 2006, Kharkov, Ukraine, Abstract, PG8, p. 185

6. D.Ivaneyko, J.Ilnytskyi, B.Berche, Yu.Holovatch, "Random-site 3D Ising model: criticality and comparitive analysis of thr cluster methods". International Summer School: "Fundamental Problems in Statistical Physics XI". September 4-17,2005, Leuven, Belgium

5. D.Ivaneyko, J.Ilnytskyi, B.Berche, Yu.Holovatch, "Simulational studies of the random-site Ising model criticality1". Annual Conference in Ukraine "Statistical Physics 2005: Modern Problems and New Applications". August 28-30, 2005, Lviv, Ukraine

4. D.Ivaneyko, J.Ilnyrskyi, B.Berche, Yu.Holovatch, "Random-site 3D Ising model: criticality and comparative analysis of cluster algorithms". 3-rd International Conference and Strategic Workshop Nanoscale Liquid Systems, Kyiv, May 27-31, 2005

3. B.Delamotte, Yu.Holovatch, D.Ivaneyko, "On the criticality of frustrated spin systems vith noncollinear order triangular". MECO-29, Bratislava, 28.03-1.04.2004, Abstact,

2. B.Delamotte, Yu.Holovatch, D.Ivaneyko, "On the critical behaviour of stacked frustrated triangular antiferromagnets". 2-nd International Conference Physics of Liquid Matter:Modern Problems, Kyiv, 12-15.10.2003, Abstract,3-5.P.

1. M.Dudka, R.Folk, Yu.Holovatch, D.Ivaneiko, "Effective critical behaviour of diluted Heisenberg-like magnets". MECO-27, Sopron, 7-9.03.2002, Abstract, P.41


7. B.Delamotte, Yu.Holovatch, D.Ivaneyko, D.Mouhanna, M.Tissier, "Spurious fixed points in frustrated magnets". cond-mat/0609285

6. D.Ivaneyko, J.Ilnytskyi, B.Berche, Yu.Holovatch, "Local and cluster critical dynamics of the 3d random-site Ising model". cond-mat/0603521

5. D.Ivaneyko, J.Ilnytskyi, B.Berche, Yu.Holovath, "Static and dynamic critical behaviour of 3d random site Ising model: different Monte Carlo algorithms". cond-mat/0508719

4. M. Dudka, R. Folk, Yu. Holovatch and D. Ivaneiko, "Effective critical behaviour of diluted Heisenberg-like magnets". cond-mat/0506567

3. D.Ivaneyko, J.Ilnytskyi, B.Berche, Yu.Holovatch, "Criticality of the random-site Ising model: Metropolis, Swendsen-Wang and Wolff Monte Carlo algorithms". cond-mat/0501291

2. Yu.Holovatch, D.Ivaneyko, B.Delamotte, "On the criticality of frustrated spin systems with noncollinear order triangular". cond-mat/0312260

1. M.Dudka, R.Folk, Yu.Holovatch, D.Ivaneiko, "Effective critical behaviour of diluted Heisenberg-like magnets". Preprint ICMP-02-07E